Let the chaos kiss you


Happy to be back and share something fresh and new. I hope that you are All well.

It has been chaotic lately – it continues and it is a surprising feeling to me! 🙂

Best Wishes & as always – much love,


Colorful fractal flame - chaos

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche


Let the chaos kiss you

There is peace in the middle of a war

Calm in the midst of a heavy storm

Silence inside a noisy subway station

There is an eye in the center of a cyclone

Glimmer of hope under a tonne of despair

There is a point

Where chaos meets trust

Confusion confronts clarity

Madness embraces sanity

There is a spot

At the bottom of your broken heart

Where love blossoms again

You remain safe and pure

And the joy is slowly wakening up

After a long night of a lonely cure

My beloved soul

Have faith

There is a place

Where the darkness is no longer afraid of the light

I will meet you there


We will laugh out loud

As if it was a good joke

Tomorrow at 9 am sharp



Multicolored fractal artwork - chaos

“In chaos, there is fertility.” ~ Anaïs Nin

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